Monthly Archives: April 2013

It’s All About Fun at Tampa Bay Comicon!!!

Princes LeiaPrincess Leia and Boba Fett were just a couple of the numerous comic book fans wandering the showroom floor of the Doubletree Hotel last weekend in Tampa, Florida. It was as much fun watching the costumed attendees as it was being photographed with Darth Vadar and the storm troopers.Illustrator

Once inside the convention rooms, we found booth after booth loaded with new comic books, collectible comic books and memorabilia, t-shirts, costumes and more. Attendees  got the chance to get up close and personal with some of the illustrious comic book illustrators who worked on projects as people watched.  A couple other illustrators would sketch you in comic book style for a fee.

Boba Fett

Needless to say it was a fabulous weekend filled with fun and artistic inspiration….and maybe, just maybe, the Crick family will be dressing up and going to the next Tampa Bay Comicon being held at the Tampa Convention Center, August 24-25, 2013!